Count Your Blessings

Are you the type of person that counts their blessings? If so, this means that you have learned what it’s like to be grateful for certain things in your life.  These can be physical items like owning your home, or they can be on a more personal level, by being grateful for someone in your life.

Having abundance and gratitude in your life is a form of wealth. If you are surrounded by people who love and respect you, you will instantly feel treasured in return.

Original artwork by N. Natour

The concept of being grateful for what you have can be difficult for some people to understand.  Instead of focusing on what they have, many people find it easier to constantly think about what they don’t have.

Think about this for a moment.  Do you really have to be wealthy to feel as though you are?  Will having a million dollars in the bank automatically make you happy?  The answer to both of these questions is no.  Money doesn’t buy you happiness, and you don’t need material wealth to feel wealthy.

Having abundance and gratitude in your life is a form of wealth.  If you are surrounded by people who love and respect you, you will instantly feel treasured in return.

Being grateful for your life consists of understanding what you have gone through to get to where you are today. This includes your struggles and fears as well as your successes and failures. After all, who doesn’t learn from making a mistake? These are the moments that you want to relish and enjoy.

Get into the habit of counting your blessings. This also includes telling friends, family, and co-workers that you are thankful for them! It’s not always easy to speak those kinds of words out loud, but when you do they can have a greater impact and reach than you ever thought possible.

What does gratitude have to do with goals?  Spending time focusing on the good, positive elements of your life helps you to reprogram your brain to be more positive.  Your positive outlook helps improve productivity, and voila, one more tool to help you achieve your goals.


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